Frequently Asked Questions
What courses are available during the summer?
A list of available summer courses can be found on the schedule of classes page. Summer registration for current students will open on April 1.
When can students register for summer classes?
Registration opens for current students on Monday, April 1. You can prepare for registration by reviewing the registration checklist . Before registering for classes, you should consult with your advisor and make sure that you have taken all required prerequisite courses or enroll in required corequisite courses. Review these registration instructions for more information.
How do students register for summer courses?
To help with registration, you can first review the registration checklist and develop a proposed schedule with the schedule planner. Once you have developed a proposed schedule, you can meet with your advisor and adjust as needed. To complete registration, you can log in to your UAConnect account and follow the registration prompts. After you have registered, you can get a copy of your schedule and pay fees through UAConnect. Additional registration instructions are available if needed.
When do summer classes start?
The May intersession starts May 13 and runs through May 24. The first summer session begins on May 28. See the complete summer schedule.
What is an intersession?
An intersession is a 10-day class session offered before the beginning of the summer, fall and spring semesters. The coursework in an intersession is concentrated and intensive. Registration for an intersession is open to all students except new freshman. The May intersession will be held May 13-24, 2024, and students can register for the May intersession at the same time they register for summer courses. The August intersession will be held August 5-16, 2024, and students can register for the August intersession at the same time they register for fall courses. View more information on intersessions available during the summer months.
Is financial aid available during the summer semester?
Yes. Financial aid may be available for summer tuition. Since the financial aid year begins in the fall and ends the following summer semester, no additional paperwork is needed to apply for summer financial aid if a student applied during the preceding academic year. Students can contact their financial aid counselor for additional information on summer financial aid including eligibility requirements and guidelines. Students can also contact the Financial Aid Office at (479) 575-3806 or email and include their name and student ID number with their message.
Are scholarships available during the summer semester?
Yes. Scholarships may be available for current University of Arkansas students. Each scholarship has different guidelines on whether it can be used for summer tuition. The Academic Scholarship Office has many resources to help current students search and apply for scholarships that may be available to them. For more information regarding scholarships, review these FAQs or contact
How do I find internships or jobs available during the summer?
The University of Arkansas makes it easy for you to find internships and job opportunities through its Career Development Center. You can view job fairs and events or visit the career studio for assistance. You can also find on-campus summer jobs on Handshake, visit the University of Arkansas career opportunities page or review on-campus departmental websites (University Housing and University Recreation) to see what jobs may be available.
Are research opportunities available for students during the summer?
The Office for Undergraduate Research provides summer research internships and research experiences for undergraduate students in many areas of study, including biomedical engineering, ecosystem services, mechanical engineering and physics. Additional research opportunities are available to students throughout the year. Learn more.
Is housing available during the summer?
Yes. Summer housing is available on a first come, first served basis to currently enrolled students who attend at least three credit hours during a summer session. Current students can sign up for summer housing in early April. Summer housing is in Hotz Honors Hall and The Marshall apartments. For more information on summer housing, visit the housing website.
Are meal plans available during the summer?
Yes. Summer meal plans are available to current students and can be purchased in late April. Regular campus eateries are open year-round. You can view restaurants, hours and menus on the Dine On Campus website.
What student activities are held during the summer?
University Recreation provides access to sports facilities, outdoor equipment rental, planned trips, activities and more during the summer months. Learn more about University Recreation and the benefits of membership throughout the year. The Office of Student Activities also provides many opportunities for you to get involved on campus and plans several social events during the summer, such as movie nights, karaoke, comedy open mics and more. View HogSync to stay up to date on things to do.
What are the benefits of taking summer classes?
Taking courses in the summer has many benefits. Students can get ahead and even graduate early. Summer also allows students to catch up if they may have gotten behind in their coursework. Summer classes take less time to complete than fall or spring classes and are easy to enroll in for current students. Parking in the summer is more convenient too. Enroll in summer classes today and spend your summer on the Hill.
Where can I learn more about study abroad programs available during the summer?
The Office of Study Abroad & International Exchange offers several study abroad opportunities to students during the summer months, including faculty-led programs, internships and more. All of these programs include academic credit and provide students with a unique experience that advances their academic journey as well as promotes both personal and professional growth. The U of A recommends that students apply to study abroad programs early as most programs have set application deadlines and fill up quickly. For more information on study abroad programs available during the summer, visit
Can I take summer classes if I’m not a current University of Arkansas student?
Yes. The University of Arkansas offers summer courses to students who attend other colleges or universities and wish to earn and transfer credits back to their home institution. Learn more on how you can take summer courses even if you aren’t a current student at the U of A.
Are online classes available during the summer?
Yes. The University of Arkansas offers online classes during the summer semester. Voted as one of the Best Online Programs in 2023 by U.S. News and World Report, the U of A’s online courses allow students who can’t commute to campus each day to take classes and further their education. Online courses are available to current students as well as non-degree seeking students who wish to transfer course credits to another institution. Current students should discuss enrolling in an online course with their advisor if they also attend classes on campus. View the summer schedule of online classes and learn more about taking online courses at the university.
Is military tuition assistance available to veterans?
Yes. Each branch of the military has its own criteria and eligibility requirements for tuition assistance. Veterans can view their military service website for guidance – Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy. For more information, students or prospective students who have served in the military can contact the Veteran and Military-Affiliated Student Center at 479-575-8742 or